Dein perfekter Start – Finde Das passende Starterkit für Dein Ziel!

Egal, ob Du Muskeln aufbauen, Fett verlieren oder Deine allgemeine Fitness optimieren möchtest – mit unseren Peak Starterkits hast Du alles, was Du für Deinen Erfolg brauchst. Jedes Set wurde speziell zusammengestellt, um Dich optimal zu unterstützen – mit hochwertigen Supplements, praktischem Equipment und einem unschlagbaren Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis.

  • Starterkit FIT – Dein perfekter Einstieg

    Du willst durchstarten, fitter werden und Deinen Körper optimal versorgen? Das Starterkit FIT bietet Dir alles, was Du für einen starken Start brauchst: Proteine, Kreatin und das passende Zubehör. Perfekt für alle, die ihr Training gezielt unterstützen und erste Erfolge sehen wollen.

    Starterkit FIT 
  • Starterkit ELITE – Die ultimative Kombination für High-Performer

    Du willst keine Kompromisse eingehen? Dann ist das Starterkit ELITE genau das Richtige für Dich! Mit einer erstklassigen Auswahl an Premium-Supplements versorgst Du Deinen Körper mit allem, was er für Höchstleistungen braucht – von Createston bis Omega 3. Die perfekte Wahl für ambitionierte Athleten!

    Starterkit ELITE 
  • Starterkit CUT – Definiere Deine Bestform

    Wenn Du Körperfett reduzieren und eine definierte Muskulatur aufbauen möchtest, ist das Starterkit CUT Dein idealer Begleiter. Hochwertige Aminosäuren, Fatburner und leckere Flavour-Produkte helfen Dir dabei, Dein Abnehmen erfolgreich zu gestalten – ohne Verzicht, aber mit vollem Fokus!

    Starterkit CUT 
  • Starterkit BULK – Für maximalen Muskelaufbau

    Mehr Kraft, mehr Masse, mehr Fortschritt! Das Starterkit BULK liefert Dir die perfekte Kombination aus Weight Gainer, essenziellen Aminosäuren und Creatin, um Deinen Muskelaufbau bestmöglich zu unterstützen. Ideal für Hardgainer oder alle, die in der Aufbauphase das Maximum herausholen wollen.

    Starterkit BULK 

häufig gestellte fragen

Which food supplements are suitable for beginners?
Protein powder (e.g. whey protein), multivitamin supplements and omega-3 fatty acids are particularly suitable for beginners. These support muscle building, general health and a balanced diet. Before taking supplements, however, it is advisable to find out about your individual requirements and consult a nutritionist or doctor if necessary.
How do you ensure the quality of your products?
We attach great importance to the quality of our products and have this process entirely under our own control. As we have our own production facilities, we control every single step of production - from the selection of raw materials to filling and packaging. We work exclusively with reputable suppliers and partners with whom we have long-standing business relationships. This enables us to ensure that we always purchase high-quality raw materials. All raw materials are carefully checked before processing to guarantee their purity and quality. This comprehensive control enables us to deliver products of the highest quality.
Are food supplements also suitable for vegans?
Yes, our range includes numerous vegan food supplements, including vegan protein powders made from pea, rice or hemp protein, vitamin supplements and other supplements. Look out for indications such as "vegan" or "plant-based" in the product description or use our product filters in the store to find the relevant products.
Do I also have to take food supplements on non-training days?
That depends on the supplement in question. Protein powder and amino acids can also be taken on non-training days in order to maintain a constant protein intake. Supplements such as creatine should also be consumed regularly in order to develop their full effect. Read the product instructions and dose according to your training plan and requirements.
How long will it take to ship my order?
Orders placed on working days before 10:00 am are usually dispatched on the same day. The delivery time is normally 2-4 working days. Delays may occur in the event of high order volumes or special circumstances (e.g. public holidays). You will receive a shipping confirmation with tracking number as soon as your order is on its way.
Are your products free from banned substances and doping agents?
Yes, we attach great importance to the quality and safety of our products. All food supplements in our range undergo strict quality controls and are free from banned substances and doping agents. Our products are certified in accordance with the applicable legal regulations and are suitable for use in sport.
How should I store my food supplements?
Food supplements should be stored in a cool, dry place away from light, ideally in a cupboard or pantry. Protein powder and tablets should always be tightly closed to avoid moisture and clumping as much as possible. You should also adhere to the best-before date stated on the packaging.
Can I take several food supplements at the same time?
Yes, many supplements can be combined to achieve the best results. For example, protein powder, creatine and omega-3 fatty acids are a popular combination for muscle building and regeneration. However, be careful not to exceed the recommended daily dose and adjust the intake times accordingly. Also check whether individual active ingredients in the selected products overlap in order to avoid excessive dosages. If you have any questions or uncertainties, please do not hesitate to contact us.